  •  2019/3/19 16:17:06  点击:562  评论:0


    未成年小孩可以不去录指纹吗?——未满12岁的儿童;不需要录指纹的条件1、未满12岁的儿童;2、身体条件不允许进行指纹采集的申请人(手指/手掌/手臂截肢);3、如果条件允许进行至少一只手指的采集则将进行该手指指纹的采集。4、如果申请人有任何短期或临时无法采集指纹的身体状况(如石膏固定、绷带包扎等),申请人本人仍需亲自前往... 阅读全文>>
德国签证中心 The Germany Visa Center
The Germany Visa Center is the agency responsible for visa consulting and visa services. Provide a comprehensive German visa application information, introduce the German visa processing procedures and German visa types, so that you can easily apply for German tourist visas, business visas, visiting visas and study visas.
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