  •  2019/3/22 13:58:53  点击:234  评论:0


    德国船员签证材料清单1.旅行护照(原件)及身份信息页(复印件)2.两张证件照片,两张(6个月以内)的白底彩照,照片无破损,尺寸应为35mmX45mm.3.海员证(原件+身份信息页复印件)4.中国海员劳务派遣机构的证明信(原件)只适用于中国籍申请人:相关机构的中文介绍信,附德文或英文翻译,并须符合以下几点要求:1).使用... 阅读全文>>
德国签证中心 The Germany Visa Center
The Germany Visa Center is the agency responsible for visa consulting and visa services. Provide a comprehensive German visa application information, introduce the German visa processing procedures and German visa types, so that you can easily apply for German tourist visas, business visas, visiting visas and study visas.
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