  •  2019/3/14 11:11:28  点击:339  评论:0


    德国签证照片不合格会导致什么签证结果?申请德国签证资料中必备资料:2张申请人的签证照片。以下是德国大使馆对于签证照片的要求:(摘录于德国签证申请中心)背景为白色的彩色照片尺寸为3.5x4.5厘米正面照,双眼正视镜头保持嘴巴紧闭不露牙齿脸部无阴影佩戴眼镜者注意眼镜框不能挡住眼睛确保冲洗照片像素不低于600DPI脸部占照片... 阅读全文>>
德国签证中心 The Germany Visa Center
The Germany Visa Center is the agency responsible for visa consulting and visa services. Provide a comprehensive German visa application information, introduce the German visa processing procedures and German visa types, so that you can easily apply for German tourist visas, business visas, visiting visas and study visas.
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