  • 德国商务签证-在职人员
     2019/2/20 9:10:38  点击:434  评论:0


    德国商务签证-在职人员德国商务签证在职人员材料明细:1、护照原件(6个月有效期以上)2、照片2张,必须为最近六个月内所拍摄的3.5cmX4.5cm白底彩色照片,露耳朵,头发不遮眉眼,面部完整,不戴首饰,不戴眼镜,嘴唇闭合,眼睛直视镜头。(注照片须严格按照标准拍摄)3、个人所住户口本整本复印件4、身份证复印件5、工作单位... 阅读全文>>
德国签证中心 The Germany Visa Center
The Germany Visa Center is the agency responsible for visa consulting and visa services. Provide a comprehensive German visa application information, introduce the German visa processing procedures and German visa types, so that you can easily apply for German tourist visas, business visas, visiting visas and study visas.
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