  •  2019/2/28 14:53:02  点击:254  评论:0


    德国展会签证资料-在职人员1、照片2张:2、护照原件,如有旧护照请提供旧护照原件。3、户口本复印件、申请者本人所在户口本上首页复印件及每位成员信息页复印件。4、身份证正反复印件5、工作单位证明原件由雇主出具的证明信,需使用公司正式的信头纸并加盖公章,公司负责人签字,并明确日期及如下信息:任职公司的地址、电话和传真号码;... 阅读全文>>
德国签证中心 The Germany Visa Center
The Germany Visa Center is the agency responsible for visa consulting and visa services. Provide a comprehensive German visa application information, introduce the German visa processing procedures and German visa types, so that you can easily apply for German tourist visas, business visas, visiting visas and study visas.
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